That’s right one of the most photographed celebrities loves her coffee.


Given the content on the web I can’t descern if she is a cappuccino or a vanilla latte fan (perhaps both)!

Katie Holmes Suri Mall

Katie Holmes Coffee Suri

Either way – A bucket of coffee from Starbucks appears to be constantly stuck in her hand.  At times she even appears to be cuddling the all important stimulant.   That’s ok Katie, we love our coffee too!

katie-holmes-keeps-coffee-close katie-holmes-grabs-a-coffee-as-she-steps-out-in-nyc

We are left wondering though… is she paid by Starbucks – or just very brand loyal…?   Ah who cares – she makes a take away coffee cup look stylish.

Here’s to Katie – love your style, and we too love the bean brew.